The Chinchilla Fur Candle


The Chinchilla Fur Candle: Experience luxury and elegance with our Chinchilla Fur Candle. This exclusive design features a vertical branded reveal that showcases the candle's beauty, making it the perfect addition to your home decor.

The signature cap is handcrafted using premium ebony Madagascar wood and features a Thompson Ferrier medallion at the center. The cap is finished off with 17 layers of lacquer for a flawless mirrored look.

Our Chinchilla Fur Candle is made with the utmost care and attention to detail, as even experienced hands have trouble working with this delicate material. To ensure the preservation of the chinchilla fur, the candle is nestled in a custom-designed box that prevents matting and allows the fur to breathe.

Please note that this candle is custom made to order and requires a 2-week lead time for selecting the AAA grade pelt, and an additional 3-4 weeks for crafting and shipping. Order now and indulge in the ultimate fragrance experience with our unique and luxurious Chinchilla Fur Candle.

Customer Reviews

Based on 18 reviews
Jessica walker
This has got to be a joke

There are thousands of people who don’t have food. And you decide let them starve I need a fur coat for my candle. Wow
Are you ignorant or just plain dumb

Love these candles!! Hate you hypocritical tree huggers!!!

For all of you who are just here to point fingers, acting as if your not all the same, that we're not all the same! Have really really gotta pull your heads out your asses, and stop being dramatic hypocrites! Like your not just as much of A murderer as the rest of us! Sure they wrap candles in Chinchilla! But have you given any thought to what your cell phones, computers, FitBits, electric cars, solar panels, etc etc Are all made of? Or how many animals, insects, plants, trees, birds, corral, people, marine wildlife, are all killed everyday just so we can all enjoy these luxuries? Our ocean floors are being dredged up to make electronics everyday. Do you understand what happens when we do that? Think about how beaches slope downwards into the sea as waves come in and out! So when you have massive holes in the ocean floor. Waves pull more and more sand from our beaches to fill in those holes altering our shorelines making it seem as if sea levels are rising. But all this sand is crucial for making our electronics. How about the cobalt that's also A big component of making our devices! Don't hear you complaining about the many many African children that die in cave ins everyday mining for cobalt! Are you concerned about the fact that the people that run the mines just leave them wherever the cave in was, and just dig new tunnels instead of digging them up to have A propeburials, or return their bodies to their families! Nevermind all the smaller animals insects earth worms birds etc etc that always get killed and displaced when mining begins. There's the pollution factor in any of these operations, and often drinking water contamination. Solar panels are supposed to be our way of getting away from coal and is supposed to be A clean energy! Well guess what solar panels are made out of Quarts and Coal!! So mining will continue! Ion lithium batteries are damaging more homes and killing more people right now than liver disease! All of these things are made of mined materials. And those mines kill or displace countless creatures on this planet! And we're all guilty of using products produced by these materials! Which is evident just by us participating in this conversation (electronics kill and enslave children in their production) So I guess my question for all you self richious finger pointers out there who think that your somehow above or different from the rest of us! Is how cute does something that dies for our selfish products have to be for you to care about its death at the hands of corporate America, and mass consumerism for you to care enough about its death to fight for it? Or do you only like the cute ones like chinchillas? Are African and Chinese children not relevant enough for you to care about them? How about of our oceans? Or do you only visit the ones that are kept clean for commercial tourism and profit? Ignoring the rest of the oceans and the mass island of garbage so thick you can walk on it in some spots without falling through, and the effects of microplastics on marine life? This world's full of A bunch of hypocrites pointing fingers at other people for things your all just as guilty of doing yourselves! Tree huggers complain about hunters and the antlers they'll hang on their walls. Yet they'll line their countertops in coral and sea shells. There isn't a person except those in jail cells who doesn't have A peace of wood furniture in they're homes,, and everything else is made from petroleum. Which by the way isn't made from fossil fuels! Petroleum is made from plankton and other minerals from the bottom of the seabed! And if any of you had A mouse or Rat or cockroach fly spiders mosquitos etc etc in your homes, your setting traps busting out with the sprays, candles, zaplights etc etc to kill them all! So let's not be A bunch of hypocrites and point fingers when we're all just as guilty of murdering some other creature from this planet including ourselves....... You don't like the candles don't buy them but grow up and take some responsibility.......

What is the scent

So what is the scent? Dead animal?

Sandy scott
Horrible disgrace!

This is pathetic and evil!
Sorry excuse of humans.

Sorry Your Feel This Way.

A Look of Elegance

I purchased this for my home and it is an absolute stunning piece. It brings about conversation with everyone and anyone who enters the space. I love it and am fortunate to be able to afford it. It is not at all overpriced. If you want nice things, you have to save for them. It’s a definite investment.